April 20, 2023

ICYMI: "Bidenomics: Two Years of Falling Incomes"

This week, the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board slammed the Biden administration for its failed "Bidenomics". The article includes a graph on the trend in average weekly earnings from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), which shows that weekly earnings were at a peak during President Trump's time in office. It illustrates just how far Americans' weekly earnings have fallen since President Biden took office. While Americans continue to make 3.6% less a week than they did before President Biden took office, inflation has skyrocketed to 15%. They have lost the equivalent of $7,400 worth of income in just two years, and it's time they had a raise. "This is ugly by any measure, and it documents the price that Americans are paying for inflation unleashed by the spending and monetary excesses of President Biden, the last Democratic Congress and the Federal Reserve. Americans understand this—which goes a long way to explaining why only 37.4% of the public approves of Mr. Biden’s performance on the economy in the Real Clear Politics polling average." - WSJ Editorial Board The people of this country are tired of watching prices skyrocket. They are tired of having handing their hard-earned dollars over to the government. They are tired of being disappointed by our President. Most importantly, they are tired of having to worry how they will pay for their families' basic necessities and save for retirement. They want out of this economic pitfall.

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